Not all who wander are lost.
(J.R.R. Tolkien)

Are you needing some time out of your ordinary routine to reflect upon your life?
Are your searching for clarity and direction?
Are you in need of companionship on your journey as you search for inspiration and guidance?
If so, Wandering is for you!
Inspired by the ancient practice of pilgrimage, the Wandering Day is a day-long retreat where I will be your ‘anam cara’ or 'soul friend', a companion as you wander and reflect in search of insight.
I will offer various reflective practices, creative exercises and conversational spaces as we explore together, letting the day unfold as it is wanting to unfold. We will walk, talk, sit, ponder, write, pause, draw and whatever else feels right, learning what it means to go with the flow and stay open to surprise.
The day begins at 10am and finishes at 5pm.
You can expect Wandering to involve a fair amount of walking, although this does not have to be the case. If a lot of walking would be difficult for you - for any reason - but you would still like to experience Wandering, please do get in contact and we can work up an accessible alternative together.
I am committed to making my work available to all, regardless of ability to pay, but suggest a contribution of between £150 - £300 for a wandering day, depending on your circumstances.
If you are interested, please get in contact at sjdonaldson@hotmail.co.uk
It was a special day and I'm trusting it to mark a turning in my life. I really appreciated the way you listened to me, being present to me, and it was so helpful to feel heard and understood. The day felt relaxed and spacious as well as richly full. It was a well balanced mix of cycles of checking in, input, practicing being present and simply being in each other's company.
I can safely say that my Wandering with Sam will be one of my highlights of 2022 already (having completed it in February). Sam is an excellent guide, and he is extremely thoughtful in his approach to questioning, allowing the day to develop at a gradual pace. A mixture of questions, meditations and guided exercises helped me to process key questions that I had been struggling with and I left the day with a number of insights which allowed me to reflect on the patterns that I have been living by unconsciously. Sam's patience allowed for mental space during the day and his wisdom helped to assemble the seemingly random pieces into a more coherent whole that I couldn't see for myself. Highly recommended to those who are willing to be open and curious to questions on self-identity, purpose and those who suffer from a feeling of lack of direction in their lives.