Wandering & Wayfaring

a sage journey

Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

With your one wild and precious life?

(Mary Oliver)

I write this post in January 2022, as Venus makes her descent from being the evening star to disappear and reappear once again, rising as the morning star, concluding her 8-year cycle.

With the last of the autumn leaves hanging on the trees, I find myself reflecting on winter.

We spoke together of our despair, our guilt, and our feelings of impotence, recognising as we did that our personal consumer decisions feel utterly pointless when faced with the insane greed of giant polluting corporations, the arms traders and oil barons, who continue to drive the destruction of mother earth in their endless empty search for yet...

It's 3pm on a Friday afternoon, and I find myself relaxing in a fantastic little bar in Camden, fittingly named the Spiritual Bar, as it oozes soul left, right and center. I'm sat here alone, free to tinker on the piano or to help myself to whatever I want, the owner having generously invited me to make myself at home,...

© 2020 Sam Donaldson, Courageous Conversationalist. Hull, UK
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