Echoing the Silence
"There is nothing in the whole universe so much like God as silence."
(Meister Eckhart)
Silence is an endangered species in our furiously frantic world, driven on as it is by our vast shallowness of soul and our never-ending busyness of doing-to-distraction. Like all endangered species, silence is profoundly precious and needs our attention and protection. Silence needs our love.
Echoing The Silence is my adventure into the land of silence, an emergent project exploring the unfathomable depths of silence and what those dynamic depths may have to speak to our world in crisis.
I have no masterplan for this adventure, although I sense that this will involve a deep dive into silence, through meditation, reading, writing, retreats, pilgrimages, and more. I will go with the flow and let this adventure unfold itself.
If you would like to follow and support this adventure, please follow me on Patreon:
Thank you in advance for all your support!