Real Conversations
In real conversation you can be taken to places that you never expected, you can overhear things in yourself you never knew you had in you. And you can absolutely change in a real conversation. It's like pure nourishment for yourself ... You find new dimensions of yourself.
(John O’Donohue)
Are you feeling stuck in a rut, working in a job that's leaving you empty, disconnected, burnt-out?
Does your current way of life feel out of balance, lacking direction, depth and meaning?
Do you feel there is so much more you could be doing and being, so much lost potential for making the world a more beautiful place?
If so, maybe its time for some 'Real Conversations'!

'Real Conversations' is a series of six 1-hour sessions, with two weeks break between each conversation. This enables important time and space for you to process the conversations, implement changes, experiment with new ways of being, and work at depth in ways that lead to profound transformation.
In 'Real Conversations' I offer a simple, grounded approach, promising no final answers and promoting no magic techniques or programmes. I work with the present moment, the 'Here-Now', helping you embrace and explore it from your own unique perspective.
I am committed to making my work available to all, regardless of ability to pay, but suggest a contribution of between £250 - £500 for a series of 6 conversations.
If you are interested, please get in contact at
Instead of asking myself what more I need to do, and killing myself and my creative powers in the process of attempting to carry it out, I ask myself: what is the courageous conversation I am not having?
(David Whyte)