Become the Answer!
Each of us, as we journey through life, has the opportunity to find and to give his or her unique gift. Whether this gift is quiet or small in the eyes of the world does not matter at all-not at all; it is through the finding and the giving that we may come to know the joy that lies at the center of both the dark times and the light.
(Helen Luke)
Each one of us is unique, with beautiful gifts, passions, dreams and callings that only we can bring into being, that our world desperately needs.
Do you sense a deep soul-purpose lying there dormant within you, waiting to be unleashed?
Some ways that I can help include:
- Conversations (including my real conversations or wandering days).
- Recommending helpful resources.
- Providing beautiful questions for you to sit with.
- Helping you to write the "Prayer of your Soul" and explore ways to become the answer.
- Supporting you to articulate 'Daring Dreams and Vivid Visions' for your life (a 3-year vision document for your life).
- Supporting you to explore and craft a Rhythm of Life for yourself.
- Connecting you up with other exciting people or projects.
If you think I might be able to help, do get in contact at
'Real Conversations' is a series of six 1-hour conversations, with two weeks break between each conversation. This break enables important time and space for you to process the conversations, implement changes, experiment with new ways of being, and work at depth in ways that lead to profound transformation.
Inspired by the ancient practice of pilgrimage, the 'Wandering Day' is a day-long retreat where I will be your 'anam cara' or 'soul friend', a companion as you wander and reflect in search of insight. I will offer various reflective practices, creative exercises and conversational spaces as we explore together, letting the day unfold as it is wanting to unfold. We will walk, talk, sit, ponder, write, pause, draw and whatever else feels right, learning what it means to go with the flow and stay open to surprise.
Get Started! Write your own unique soul prayer...
Give yourself time to make a prayer that will become the prayer of your soul. Listen to the voices of longing in your soul. Listen to your hungers. Give attention to the unexpected that lives around the rim of your life. Listen to your memory and to the inrush of your future, to the voices of those near you and those you have lost. Out of all of that attention to your soul, make a prayer that is big enough for your wild soul, yet tender enough for your shy and awkward vulnerability; that has enough healing to gain the ointment of divine forgiveness for your wounds; enough truth and vigour to challenge your blindness and complacency; enough graciousness and vision to mirror your immortal beauty. Write a prayer that is worthy of the destiny to which you have been called.
(John O'Donohue)