About me:
I long to live in a world where everyone is reconnected with their innate fire, depth and ground, crafting brave, balanced, beautiful lives, lives that are better for them, better for those they love, and better for our world.
I am a new-monk, human rewilder and artful commoner, whose soul purpose is to guard and echo silence, opening up ancient spiritual roots as a source of life for a world in crisis.
I host courageous conversations, brave learning spaces and slow, sacred retreats. I also write poetry and prose, organise for peace and eco-justice, and more...

My Approach:
I bring a unique breadth of interests and experiences to my work, including the academic rigor of studying philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford, the lived experience of managing "bipolar", years of meditation practice, a wealth of experience of living in various intentional communities, the life-long commitment to campaigning for peace and eco-justice, and leadership experience of managing teams and starting up organisations.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
(Robert Frost)
My Story:
After graduating Oxford University with a first class degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and taking an MA at York University in Post-war Recovery Studies, I decided to embark on the road less traveled, going to live and work in a community of people with and without learning disabilities, called L'Arche Bognor Regis.
So began my life off the beaten path!

At L'Arche I was given a leadership position with responsibility for a team of six people, caring for six adults with learning disabilities. This opportunity ignited within me a deep passion for personal and organisational development and flourishing, which continues to deepen to this day. I also began my meditation and poetry practices during this time, starting a life-transforming adventure into my inner world.
During my time with L'Arche, I developed the onset of "bipolar". This presented me with an immense opportunity to put all my learning regarding development, growth and well-being to the test. From ecstatic highs to terrifying lows, my life was hit by wave after wave, at times leaving me in total disarray. As a result I ended up leaving L'Arche and returned to Hull, to step back and take stock.
Over a number of hard years, surrounded by a huge amount of love and care, I slowly but surely made friends with my own mind and carved out a life for myself that makes the most of my unique experiences, gifts and passions, a well-crafted, happy life, a life of peace, authenticity, adventure and community.
Now I try to live that life to the full and to share the lessons I have learned, so that others may rediscover a richer, wilder life with a deeper sense of purpose, balance and flow.
A little more about me:
I practice both Zen and Quakerism.
I have been involved in an art collective and community gallery space in Hull, called GROUND. As a part of GROUND, between 2016 and 2018 I helped establish and run Mad Pride Hull, a small grassroots "mental health" network in Hull, working to "challenge normality and celebrate diversity".
In 2018 I helped found and run Quaker Roots, a Quaker organisation working to build peace and resist the arms trade.
Growing up, I spent three years living abroad, in Pokhara, Nepal. This experienced shaped me deeply, and gave me a strong awareness of the injustices in our world. As a result, my work is socially engaged, and alongside my paid work, I protect a significant amount of my time for voluntary community work and activism.
I have completed a PGC in Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching, and I support the Joint Global Statement of the Climate Coaching Alliance.
I am a published poet, and have just published a new collection, 'This Place', along with poet and artist Mike Sprout, which can be ordered here.